I first started thinking about the website refresh back in January 2023. I brought it up at the first SMH team meeting that would also be the last SMH team meeting. I had a rag tag group of folks that had been helping me out at the time, but ended up having to really scale back to focus. Long story short I brought the site up to them back then, I said something along the lines of “it’s going to be a mythical space for all things SMH, its going to replace all my social media outlets and I’m going to use it to create a member portal where I can sell content.” and none of them knew what I was talking about. Like many of my ideas at the time it was a tad bit far fetched, and given my current circumstances I probably wouldn’t be able to realize it.
That had been a trend. Having big ideas. Possibly too many big ideas, getting bogged down by all the heady thoughts and having little output. Well it was more than that. It was working a Job, taking commission work, trying to draw and paint and rebuild the site.
I feels like its been longer cause I want to say years. but over the past year(s) I’ve had to really whittle down my commitments to really get straight on what my priorities
a year passed and I was finally able to find enough focus to work a two month stretch on the site. Like I said I dreamt it up back in January 2023 and here you find me in September of 2024
So I was paying $175 for an annual Square Space subscription and I was using the site as a glorified portfolio or all my high ticket work with a merch store tacked on. That is all well and good but I’ve been seeing a vision in me for sometime that I’m more than just a dude that does cool client work, my website should be more than a space for me to get more client work. In fact I want to put my best foot forward and state that, said client work isn’t even my main intent. My main intent is to spread these cool cartoons because I love them and I want them to be my everything! So I started dreaming up the new site and I started with a front page a dedication to how I fell in love with cartoons. I decided I would build the whole page around that.
It’ll continue to grow out from here, but I’ve been seeing this stuff in my head for some time and I thought it would never come. We’re at a good spot with it, it currently feels like going to some weird SMH carnival and that’s the vibe I like. This is only the beginning of what I see in my head but I take these things as omens. This is a sign of what’s to come for me.. What I mean by that is many more cartoons!
So go peruse the site, check it out, immerse yourself in it. cause I’m really proud of it.
Love you!