Bend over backwards for the people that would bend over backwards for you.
Too often I find people distracted by people who cause em’ distress. Fixating on what they don’t have or all the things that are going wrong. And you know what they say? Entropy is the default in this world. If things are always in a state of chaos why do we choose to bring people around that amplify the chaos?
Conditioning obviously plays a big role. I believe it starts by making different choices. It starts by learning to gravitate toward people who make you feel good in a good way, rather than people that make you feel bad and create some sort of dynamic where you will only ever be less than.
I’ve fixated on those people, fixated on situations of all kinds where I’m the fool. So I really had to work to over power my draw to that familiar place. I had to start calling myself out every time that moment arose to put myself in a situation that would put me down. When I spotted it I learned to stop doing it. I learned I deserved more than that.
Then I learned to redirect my intention to the situations that made me feel warm. I made a rule for myself that I am only fostering relationships in my life that consistently make me feel good in a good way. Not to say that moments don’t arise where you gotta walk through the fire, but that’ll never be the standard.
I choose people who choose me. I go to places I am wanted. it’s as simple as that.
Xoxo SMH