Happy New Year and happy bald spot! I just shaved my head—no more curls, no more bald spots!
This post is more of a journal than anything, just me trying to get a vision for the year ahead.
Last year was great overall, and I have a clear sense of where I’m at. My client work is going well, but my personal cartoons, my pride and joy, have been so hard to get off the ground.
I recently revamped my website and business systems, which I’m so proud of. But when I think about how I’ve been sharing my cartoons, it feels lacking. Instagram and maker's markets aren't giving me the joy or results I want, yet I keep doing them, hoping for a different outcome.
I’ve realized I tend to choose the path of most resistance—overloading myself with needless work before diving into what I truly love. Maybe I’ve made my art harder to find with idealistic expectations of how I want it to be received.
This year, I want to do things differently. I want to ditch the long drives, the markets, and the pressure of social media. I’m focusing on YouTube—making and sharing as much art as I can, documenting the process, and sharing my thoughts. I also want to create content about what inspires me—like video games and maybe some One Piece—and I’ll make cool little cartoons to go with!
I’ve tried hard to direct people from Instagram to my merch store, but it rarely works. Maybe YouTube and newsletters will be just as challenging, but I’m ready to take a completely new approach to making and sharing my work.
Here’s to turning a new leaf!
xoxo Psychic Steve